Responsibility of Mr. Pierre-Celestin Rwigema in crimes against humanity committed in Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo


We are deeply concerned by the responsibility of Mr. Pierre-Celestin Rwigema in the crimes against humanity committed in Rwanda since April 1994 and in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 1996. He is one of the chief planners of crimes against humanity, war crimes and grave violations of the international humanitarian law committed by the rwandan government's army. As the prime minister of Rwanda, Mr. Pierre-Celestin Rwigema sent his government's army in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the first time in 1996-1997 and the second time in August 1998, where it massacred more than 200000 civilian Hutu refugees, committed and is still committing numerous crimes against humanity, war crimes and grave violations of international humanitarian law. These crimes against humanity have been well documented by the London-based Amnesty International in its numerous reports and press releases on Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo since 1996, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in its report entitled "Rapport sur les allégations de massacres et autres atteintes aux droits de l'homme ayant eu lieu à l'est du Zaïre (actuellement République Démocratique du Congo) depuis septembre 1996" (E/CN.4/1998/64) released on 23 January 1998, the United Nations Secretariat in its report entitled "Report of the Secretary-General's Investigative Team" (S/1998/581), the New York-based Human Rights Watch in its report entitled "Democratic Republic of Congo - What Kabila is Hiding: Civilian Killings and Impunity in Congo" released in October 1997 and the Montreal-based International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development in its report entitled "International Non-Governmental Commission of inquiry into the massive violations of Human Rights committed in the Democratic Republic of Congo (former Zaire) 1996-1997" released in June 1998. In its Presidential Statement of 13 July 1998, the United Nations Security Council condemned these crimes and urged the governments of Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo to prosecute their perpetrators. However, suspected war criminals in the government of Rwanda couldn't prosecute themselves.
Mr. Pierre-Celestin Rwigema knew of all the crimes against humanity committed by his government's army and did nothing to stop them. He had all the power and authority to stop them but lacked the will and failed to act. He didn't resign from his post of prime minister to express his outrage and dissatisfaction at the time numerous crimes against humanity were being committed. He has never denounced, condemned nor punished their perpetrators. Instead, he rewarded many of them with high government posts. On February 18, 2000, the government of Mr. Pierre-Celestin Rwigema appointed Colonel James Kabarehe, previously an officer in the Ugandan, Rwandan and Congolese armies and the most powerful commander in Congo when the RPA was systematically massacring Hutu refugees, as deputy chief of staff of the RPA.